Wednesday, December 19, 2007

On Second Thought...

I think I might have to keep this place for a bit. So, more stuff goes to Tumblr, but deep thoughts that I know all of you are dying to read will remain here. Simpler that way, I think. For now at least.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Time Has Come

The walrus said.

And so, at his urging, this humble blog is moving to a NEW! BETTER! FUNNER! place.

The Blog Of Champions or at least the occasional diversion for the 6 of you.

Advertising: Way More Than An Aaron Spelling Workplace Conceit

Kick it off with a quote that will make you rethink your whole career? Okay. I'll read it.

And perhaps I need to pay a bit more attention to my current job at D&D.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Let It Snow!

We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand... and melting like a snowflake. Let us use it before it is too late.
-Marie Beyon Ray

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

It Is No Measure Of Health To Be Well Adjusted To A Profoundly Sick Society.

I'm a bit under the weather today. But who could be surprised since the weather has been generally icky. The only hitch in the plan today (sleep, sleep, watch "Arrested Development", sleep) is work. Pray for me, my children, for I'm am on the edge of committing clienticide.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Those People

I make fun of them while becoming one of them. It's like pod people, but replace the pod with a dishwasher safe insulated mug. So, here's the deal: I love Starbucks.

Hold on there, cowboy. Don't ride off just yet. I have a whole explanation for you.

So, I don't drink coffee. Makes me long for the days of the vomitorium when heaving was socially acceptable. But I love tea. No, sassafrass, I don't go there to pay for hot water and a tea bag. I go there for the grande chai latte. And now I've discovered a new thing that will turn me into one of those stereotypical yuppie Volvo drivers - the incredibly specific order. No longer can I just order the grande chai. Oh no. Now I have to order the grande chai with whole milk, no water, in my red Starbucks cup. (Oh god. Just seeing it all typed out there makes me a little embarrassed.)

And yes, I could get a chai latte from any number of purveyors in my general area. The thing is, they're all too strong. Give me a chai from Hartford Coffee and I'm jittery and jumpy and my tongue's tingly and it's no fun at all. Coffeehouse in Lafayette Square? Move out of the way Condi Rice, I can solve the Mid East peace shit AND walk all the neighborhood dogs while writing the great American novel. Starbucks? Ahhh...utter mediocrity. The perfect blend of milky blandness - pepped up, but comfortably so. (I'm not sure that this admission that I like it because it's blah makes me appear worse or Starbucks.)

But, now I am so addicted to the grande chai with whole, no water, in a personal mug that I have to order it that way. And that's the worst part. It's not that I occasionally treat myself before work in the morning, it's not that I actually GO to Starbucks (everyone has at some point), it's that I have my little pet order that is utterly ridiculous. Fortunately, I'm starting to get to know all the employees at my local and with any luck they will just see me and know that's what I'm after so I don't have to actually utter those words again.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The Definitive List, For Me Anyway

My Favorite Sad Movie: "Dancer In The Dark"
My Favorite Funny Movie: "Three Amigos"
My Favorite Sad Song: "The Drugs Don't Work" by The Verve
My Favorite Happy Song: "Paper Moon" by Django Reinhardt
My New Favorite David Lynch Project: The Gucci fragrance commercial featuring the 70s and Freja Beha, Natasha Poly, and Raquel Zimmerman

And if you want more, like I did, watch the behind the scenes video. Isn't it so cute that Raquel can't dance? More glitter!