Courtesy while you're thinking what to say. It saves time.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Big Fuckin' Q
My friends, this is the only ride worth taking. And note, it's not red. It's green. Sweet green NyQuil. I am bogged down with a wrteched cold currently and look forward to 8pm so I can dose up for the night and cozy down in bed with blankets and pillows and sleep it all off. Mmmm...NyQuil.
I agree wholeheartedly and have been known to partake of same here recently.
BTW thanks for the mention in earlier post. I didn't want to tell the fam that my real job is not ortho PA extraordinaire, but CA wax figure. Long days, but hey, the health insurance is great.
Seriously, that wax thing couldn't look more like you. I was a little weirded out and think that should you need a filler for family functions, you should borrow it. Just make sure they're not family reunions held out of doors during August. It might not be very convincing.
I agree wholeheartedly and have been known to partake of same here recently.
BTW thanks for the mention in earlier post. I didn't want to tell the fam that my real job is not ortho PA extraordinaire, but CA wax figure. Long days, but hey, the health insurance is great.
Seriously, that wax thing couldn't look more like you. I was a little weirded out and think that should you need a filler for family functions, you should borrow it. Just make sure they're not family reunions held out of doors during August. It might not be very convincing.
The green NyQuil? Really? I can't even let it touch my lips! Red for me every time.
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