Wednesday, October 24, 2007

There Are Dozens Of Us! DOZENS!

It's sometimes difficult to be out here in a world of procreators. I am so far not one to take to the idea of bearing a child. The concept that there is a living thing inside of me makes me quite queasy. I have already accidentally dropped my dog and she's been around for a month so imagine a baby in my arms. Gravity has never been my friend, but I have a feeling that with the sleep deprivation and the added financial woes, I'd be branded worse than a British nanny when I take that inevitable spill down our precipitous stairs. And then there's the financial and emotional impact that I'm definitely not prepared to take on.

Now this isn't to say that I don't love babies and the people who have them. They're great. You can dress them in cute clothes. I'm sure the love you thought you were capable of is underwhelming when compared to the love you feel for your child. They are absolutely charming when they're about 3. But I have never felt that urge. Oh sure, when I see the adorable Baby GAP ads I feel a little twinge, but then I remember the pregnancy and the (yikes) delivery and all the rest and I'm snapped back to reality. And I'm not alone. Helen Mirren agrees. Now, although I don't have the mother issues (hi Gwenny!), I do share Ms. Mirren's sentiments and as harsh as it may seem to some, that's the honest truth.

image from The Wit of the Staircase

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let us not forget, gravity is also the enemy of British nannies!

For the record, I stumbled on this blog because its the 5th google hit for "there are dozens of us."