Well, frankly, U.K., I need you indirectly. I've got mad love for a certain crisp of yours. It's, well, it's sublime, frankly, and I don't know how you people do it. You really have a gift with the potatoes. I know we make a ton of chips, but you people really did it right. And for all the efforts we've made to duplicate your life/society, we decided to make really shitty snackfoodz as our ultimate bugger off to the Queen. I feel this may have been the worst decision we could have made. So, what's this all about then? I NEED HULA HOOPS! I've looked online for them and christ the shipping is like, uh, $40. The actual foodstuff is only about $10. So, I appeal to you, former colony and current...uh...colony, help me get Hula Hoops. Find them online with relatively inexpensive shipping fees! Brits - stash them in boxes and mail them to me labeled "gift"! Or all 6 of you could fly over there returning with sacks of them, original flavor only, in return for the feeble entertainment I've given you through this humble blog (perhaps the least logical/economical option, but wouldn't you 6 have such fun together?)!
Here's what they look like:
The Boy insists that he will be spending his junior year in England. If that comes to pass, I'll be sure to have him send you boxes and boxes of Hula Hoops. You can wait a couple years, right?
Would you settle for some dried squid?
Or floral gum? Yes...gum that tastes like flowers.
Shipping is less than $10 to So. Calif. and about $8.62 to St. Louis environs. This was for four orders of the 7-Pack which were $4.95 per unit.
I also saw these when Susan and I were downtown at a English Import shop. The bags looked a little squished, however.
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