Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Reading Habits Of One Miss Amy

I just reread The End of Alice and have to say I can't believe I made people read that for book club ages ago. Sure, it's bound to get a room talking, but holy cats is it disturbing. The thing most amazing to me is that A.M. Homes, the book's author, is a woman. I don't know why I find that surprising. Certainly women are as capable as men of thinking thoughts that make a granny blush, but this just seems so convincingly told by a male - a damaged, twisted, wicked one - that it seems impossible that she's a she. I suppose that's either a testament to her writing ability or my sexism, but to be frank, I don't think Steinem's main goal was to make women equal to male child molesters and murders. So, when you're ready to be thoroughly unnerved by a novel, seek that one out. I've never read one more eerie.

One side effect though is that it always calls to mind a little game we had going back in the day when the interweb drew me to people far flung and we all knew each other via ye olde Delphi forums. I think it was JOSH's that got us all making mixes based on some theme and mine (and newlywed Todd's) was murder. Something evil like that. I decided to make one based on The End of Alice and as it happened Tom Waits' "Alice" had just come out (go get it now. Honestly. It's the best CD ever recorded) and as we all can surmise the original Alice's life story wasn't all just tea and Tweedles. It just seemed like too many Alice stars aligned and I came up with a darn good, wickedly subversive CD. But I never burned it. Mostly because I didn't have a CD burner, but also because to make it real just seemed too creepy. To this day that playlist still haunts me. I've heard songs that tangentially fit that theme and immediately think about including on the fictional disk and re-creep myself out. I believe that someday I'll throw something together and send it to Todd and he and I can be creeped out together. Hopefully doing that would free me from hearing wicked things in otherwise innocent songs and preserve me from admitting to the 6 of you that when I hear certain types of songs I immediately think of child murderers.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Goodbye and Thank You

May your afterlife be filled with courses without sand traps.

I hope someday we meet again, my beloved Dr. Abel.
Littlest Things by Miss Lily Allen

Just delightful, this little gem.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Cakes, Converse and Coppola

"Marie Antoinette" was like cinematic Cirque du Soleil - it was stunningly gorgeous, the costumes were amazing, the staging was breathtaking, and as I left the theater I wanted to be a part of it. It also was short on dialogue, loosely plotted, and sorta told a story. I liken it to flipping through a book of pictures - you get the feeling of what's going on, but you don't really feel the emotion.

That said, I'm going to work her rosy cheeked look far more often and will continue to hope for the return of the corset.

Happy Moving Away Party, David!

Originally uploaded by Imaginary Socialite.
Thought this might help ease the pain of packing all your belongings, loading a truck, and driving all that way to La La Land. Nothing says fun like Portman with Silly String.

Friday, October 20, 2006

This Is Where The Story Ends

I can't believe Elyse Sewell has stopped blogging. This is a crisis. I treasured her wee bon mots like manna from heaven. Her humor, her views on life, her zany photos - she had it all. This is heartbreaking.

At least I still have the Imaginary Socialite, but it's just not the same.


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

My Darling McQueen

Alexander, love,
I say, let's meet at the NYC library and sneak into the rare book room and read the first edition of The House Of Mirth to each other. I dare say we should smuggle in a Thermos of tea and some finger sandwiches while we're at it. At that point, what have we to lose? You bring the dresses and I'll starve myself until then.
Curtsies and kisses,

my GOD!

Is there really anything one can say about this photo?

Monday, October 16, 2006

That's The Past

But at least it helps you 6 know what the hell I've been doing the last two weeks. So, to sum up, here's the top 10 things I've done while away from my dear darlings (in no discernable order):

1. Used the word "prancy"
2. Saw nuns talking to drag queens
3. Slept 14 hours straight
4. Turned the Washington Monument into my middle finger
5. Overused the word "treasure"
6. Met my new friend Dottie
7. Walked in a prairie
8. Ate wheatberry pilaf
9. Started liking Lily Allen
10. Watched Tyra get married in the prettiest ceremony ever