Thursday, October 13, 2005

Just Leave It On The Phone When You Leave

I just did some voicemail announcements for a voice over client. I went to their office and spoke into their phone and did every greeting for their system in the client's office. And when I was leaving and thinking about dollar signs I said, " do you want to do this?" which I knew sounded weird in my head and found out it sounded even weirder outside of it. Fortunately, he'd already had the cash ready.

I guess that makes me a voicemail whore. And yet, getting paid on an immediate basis is a hell of a lot better than waiting for a check.


Jon said...

That is the best gig ever. Is your speaking voice awesome? It must be, huh. How does one get jobs for that?

Old Aunt Amy said...

I don't think it's much better than anyone else's, but I'm willing to speak so it sounds like I'm "smiling" and I am an excellent reader without reading ahead. Just see the words and out they come! I've realized that's pretty much the key - read without understanding (because the copy doesn't make much sense anyway) and sound really happy about it all.

And my dad's in radio so it might be inherited.