Friday, June 09, 2006


Work has people. These people need places to type and look at stuff on screens. With the influx of new people, we needed new areas and equipment for them to perform these actions. Result? I got a MacBook. (New people get the old computers. That's how the Propagandans roll.)

While I am still not a MacGirl, being about as technologically inclined as the Mentawai of Indonesia, I am inclined to play around when time permits. I've discovered iMovie, PhotoBooth, and the zany joys therein (see below).

I'm also mad for the keyboard of this white hot gem. It's clicky without being noisy, it won't accumulate the dust and jetsam of daily use, and so far none of the keys have flipped up like the "O" key did on Barbie's Dream House Computer. It was always at the most inopportune time that the "O" refused to be returned to it's typeable state. So, farewell to that stupidness.

The screen on this little thing is shiny. And powerfully bright. And I got a new wireless mouse because I have some sort of "bluetooth" something or other which is exciting in that I can now play "Modern Girl" and roam about the world with a laptop and do things from any room anywhere I can get a signal. I haven't exactly figured out how to make that magic occur, but learning curve is still in effect.

And the dear's name is Rosie. After dealing with Barbie's Dream House Computer - a slow as molasses iBook that rarely worked well and was pocket-sized - this new MacBook was like hanging out at the Jetson's house. Thus, Rosie, meet the blog. Blog, this is Rosie.


KC said...

Oh, you girls and your Macs. The only Mac I've seen up close is Kim's when she had it at rehearsal during Reefer. The Boy thinks it's uber-cool and wants one when he goes away to college. Guess I better start saving for it now!

Anonymous said...

yay for rosie! how sweet is she? :)