Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Work Schmirk

It's been a whole year since I started working for Propaganda. A whole year. Wow. It seems like just yesterday that I pulled a bottle of Dewars out of our scary Brady Bunch kitchen cabinet and downed a shot after telling CPG that I was really leaving. In front of my mother. Who didn't find it either amusing or soothing. I, however, found it to be both. But, seeing as how it's been a whole year, I thought I'd share with the 6 of you where I work. Not really where because I've had a real stalker before and it's more creepy than thrilling, but rather my inside work desk-type environs.

Part of my desk! That other part of my desk! And, if it can be believed, yet even another part of my desk!!

Things you might recognize from your lives: a phone! a bottle of Tums (mint flavor, please)! paper! is that a notebook? various drinks!

Things you might not recognize from your lives: the lion that burps! the badge that gives me full power to bust people at the Hotel Intercontinental in Dallas! free Curious George from our printer Brian!

And yet one more strange thing, the whole thing is BACKWARDS!!! Zany MacBook and its reverso-camera!!!

1 comment:

KC said...

Love the monkey decorations! Nice work area. Looks like you have a window. I'm jealous. If I want to see outside during the work day, I have to invade my co-workers cubicles. I feel deprived.