Thursday, March 22, 2007


1. People who do not acknowledge the fact that you've allowed them to pass down a narrow street while you wait patiently at the side of the road. A simple wave to recognize that I haven't just barrelled along, forcing them to stop, would do wonders.

2. "I am loving ________ right now." This is not elegant grammar. It is infuriating. And lately, bloggers the world over have adopted it. It's ubiquitous and icky.

3. Overuse of the word "like". Colloquial as it may be, when, like, you use it instead of breathing it, like, drives me, like, to drink. I vacillate on my level of irritation with this habit and it's currently reached epic proportions.

I'm sure there are more, but I'm going to dwell on the positive now.

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