Sunday, May 06, 2007

Fly Away Money

Dear Wallet,

I fully understand that the Caboose requires my disposable income and that you are often exhausted, but please, just this once, can I splurge on something utterly irrational? Yes, yes, that BCBG dress was certainly an indulgence of the first order and I should be happy that you were there for me as I went through my Marie Antoinette phase (which is not over, I might add), but I reeeeeeally want this DVD:

Noot's in it, for pity's sake. It's not like I'm asking for much. After all, it's only $45.

So, think about it and get back to me. I know this is a one-way relationship, with me always taking, but I did just clean out all those old receipts so you'd be thin and pretty again. That's got to be worth something, no?


(or we could always get this new book about Nancy Cunard. Your choice, really.)


Sarcasticalwit said...

Dear Amy,
Purses and I have confabbed on the current situation. All the purses and I both have been feeling quite empty lately. But really...we only care about your happiness. If you really need this to make you happy, then we will all sacrifice our fullness to that end. All we ask is that you wait a month or so to ask again so we can be sure this is really what you want. We don't want another pony incident do we?
Wallet Leatherton Esq.

Old Aunt Amy said...

Oh Wallet! You are my dearest love! (So sorry about that Banana Republic indescretion last evening. Never fear, it's mostly going back.)