Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My Biggest Fear


Some people are afraid of ghosts, some are afraid of heights, I'm deathly (no pun intended) afraid of Ebola. Now, sure, I have never eaten bush meat and I've not been anywhere near anyone with it, but the possibility exists, people. And knowing my penchant for contracting the weirdest of the weird diseases, I'm fairly sure I'll get it even though I'm thousands of miles away from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Seriously, what's scarier than bleeding out your orifices until you die? And if you needed more, how 'bout this kick in the pants from Wikipedia?

"Its efficacy as a biological-warfare agent is compromised by its extreme lethality and its quickness: a typical outbreak spreads through a small village or hospital, kills everyone there, and runs out of potential hosts, burning out before it reaches a larger community."

Gee, thanks. So, I won't be attacked by a dirty bomb filled with Ebola, but it will kill everyone in my small village. My small village is fucked.


Jon said...

Not only did I read The Hot Zone when we all first became aware of filoviruses (when was this. 1996 maybe?), I also bought and read the entirety of The Coming Plague. I'm kind of surprised I don't immediately reach for those books whenever I feel a fever coming on.

Anonymous said...


Confirmed! 64 deaths!
take THAT, Avian Flu!