Thursday, June 16, 2005

Gravity Actually Makes Falling Off The Face Of The Earth Impossible

But, it seems plausible in the general parlance of the time (which seems odd as it's been ages since Newton got konked). Since I didn't in fact fall off the face of the Earth, what have I been doing? Work, "Glen or Glenda?" (final weekend this weekend - huzzah!), ripping up carpets, a brief stop at the Lit Society meeting, and approximately 2,000 other things that take up time. I had a minor meltdown on Tuesday night after realizing, yet again, there just aren't enough hours in the day and I'm mentally exhausted. Now, I'm back on track, but definitely not looking forward to packing up the apartment for the move to the caboose (I've started calling it that looks like a caboose).

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