Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Now It All Makes Sense

Cory Kennedy, internet phenom, revealed! I admit it. I've been fascinated by her. She's certainly no phony like LonelyGirl and there is something quite charming about her blogged spelling errors and thinly veiled monikers for her celeb friends. She, unlike the Parises and Lindsays of the world, seemed to have something about her that kept her back from all the madness and it turns out it's her parents. Sure, they just fully caught on, but what teenager hasn't deceived her parents in the name of fun? Hell, I still do.

But, that being said, I still want her to brush her hair and stop using the lower lid liner. I've said it before and I'll say it again - it seems like a good idea but then your parents hang a collage of your senior photos up in the hallway and suddenly you can't stand to see yourself so defiled.

Anyway, back to CK. Of all those girls out there in internetland, I think she's the most real. She's not constantly checking herself to make sure she's liked, to see if she's popular. She just is who she is - a slightly rumpled mess who, although interested in her own celebrity, isn't addicted. Or at least she doesn't appear to be. Hopefully she'll take a breather and after gaining some perspective on this wacky life, she'll get back to doing photographable things. Not because I want her to, but because she wants to.

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